With my personally managed hostess agency, Fair Care Messe & Event, for generations we unite our wealth of experience in:
Service culture and quality with professionalism, reliability and creativity!
In our hectic industry, there are certain values that do not always go without saying. These are values that my hostess and I put to practice each and every day.
Individual, customized concepts matched with your personal demands are our particular focus for the success of your fair and event.
Long-standing customer loyalty is our most important reference.
Our aim is reached, when we exceed your wishes!
With best wishes

Helena Hoffmann -Fair Care Messe & Event
All news about our hostess missions, you will always receive up to date on our social networks.
Excellent trade fairs and events
With a nationwide network of trained and client-oriented Fair Care-Hostess, the agency stands ready to serve clients at any time and any place.REFERENCES
Your direct contact with us
Helena Hoffmann
Fair Care Messe & Event UG
Phone: +49 (0) 2 11 50 67 83 9
Eichenwand 12 - D-40627 Düsseldorf
eMail: faircare@helena-hoffmann.de